Auro Explorica

Auro Explorica
Sri Aurobindo School of Integral Education, Chandigarh organized ‘Auro Explorica’ on Saturday, February 15, 2020 in the school premises. The school buzzed with a plethora of exciting activities on this Parent Teacher Meeting day wherein students from classes I to VIII showcased various inter disciplinary projects carried out by them throughout the year on different topics like Housing, Traditional Games, Parts of a Plant and Human Body, Food Adulteration etc.
It was also announced by the school management that English Lab would be introduced in the coming session in the school. Auro Explorica provided an extremely enriching experience to students as they got a potent platform to learn and display their self designed projects thereby inculcating a sense of pride in them. Parents and spectators posed many questions related to projects which were answered by young Auroites very confidently.
The Principal, Mrs. Garima S Bhardwaj applauded the dedication and diligence of the students and the teachers. She further said that the school stresses upon project based learning which ensures that students think beyond the syllabus of their textbooks. Project method not only helps the students think out of the box but also develops life skills like problem solving, collaboration, in-depth understanding and critical thinking.