School Profile

Sri Aurobindo School of Integral Education, Chandigarh, founded in July 1994 is an
English-medium Co-educational school. It is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Vide Code: 2630048 and is managed by Sri Aurobindo Society, Chandigarh, having its head office at Puducherry. Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry is a non-profit Non Government Organization and has been recognized by The Government of India as a research institution and as an Institute of National Importance.
The school is based on the principles of education as enunciated by the Seer – Philosopher Sri Aurobindo and his spiritual companion Mirra Alfassa – Mother to us.
We aim at nurturing dynamic citizens who are well equipped physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to face challenges and avail opportunities of the modern complex society.
Our school strives to provide integral and holistic education by incorporating modern tools of teaching with traditional methods of learning.
Our Vision
To offer an education that helps the children to realize their full inner potential, to open to a new consciousness, and to become agents of transformation in the world and creators of a better world.
Our Mission
To work for a global movement towards Integral Education which
1. Strives for the development of all aspects of a child’s personality
- • Physically, a strong, healthy, graceful and beautiful body
- • Emotionally, a sensitive, refined and an energetic personality
- • Mentally a wide, lively, clear, intelligence and will
- • Spiritually, those deeper and subtler qualities which unify and harmonize the whole being.
3. Provides an environment and an opportunity to the Teachers, Parents and members of the society for self-development and greater self-awareness, and encourages them to contribute to the growth of the children with the realization that every child is special and unique and must be helped to progress in freedom, joy and service.
4. Helps the children come closer to the soul of India, to become aware of their great heritage and to work for an even greater future.
5. Fosters in each child the attributes and values of a responsible, capable, active and healthy member of the family, the society, the nation, and humanity.
Our Values
Sri Aurobindo School is dedicated to make every learner future-ready. Our efforts and strategies are focused on moulding their minds.