Closing Ceremony of AURO MUN 2019

Closing Ceremony of AURO MUN 2019
Sri Aurobindo School Hosts the First Edition of MUN
Sri Aurobindo School of Integral Education, Chandigarh hosted the first edition of AURO MUN in the school premises on 29th and 30th November, 2019. It was a two-day event where delegates from various schools and colleges participated. AURO MUN aimed to provide a unique opportunity to budding delegates and future leaders to learn and practice how a MUN works, and hone their debating skills.
It was also meant to engage students and allow them to develop deeper understanding of current world issues. AURO MUN 2019 marked its beginning with a solemn opening ceremony which was presided over by the distinguished guest Mr. Vivek Atrey, the former IAS officer, renowned motivator and facilitator. He encouraged the young debaters to overcome the fear of public speaking and be genuine. The Model United Nations event took place over a two day span of time. The two-day session consisted of five committees – United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Security Council, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Human Rights Committee. There was a zestful participation of the delegates in all the committees.
The organizing committee comprised of Secretary General (Nakul Bisht), Director General (Vani Adlakha), Deputy Director General (Nikita Saini), Director of Marketing & Promotion (Pobir Laru), Director of Media & Photography (Siddhartha, Rishabh, Hardik & Shivam). The conference staff members played an essential role in smooth functioning of MUN sessions. All the participants were awarded with certificates. The winners were presented Best Delegation, High commendation and Special Mention Trophies. The Chairman, Mr. Arvind Mehan addressed the delegates with his motivational words. He emphasized on the value of leadership and public speaking. Furthermore, he inspired the delegates to be confident and participate in MUN wholeheartedly.
The Principal, Mrs. Garima S. Bhardwaj emphasized the importance of conducting MUN in today’s scenario where the delegates become aware about what is happening around the world and also learn about the steps the UN tackles the global issues. It strengthens their communication skills and help them to plan, strategize and work in team, thus, shaping them in becoming aware, participating global citizen. She proposed a vote of thanks to the Executive Board Members and the Delegates.